Monday, October 4, 2010

10.03.10, Munich: Oktoberfest one last time!

* This is my first blog entry since leaving the Philippines. I just really loved this day so much that I have to write about it first. Before the precious memories of it escape my mind! But I will of course be posting a blog entry for each day spent here in Europe;)

* All photos stolen from Kim. Will update the entry and add my own photos:)

This was my second day of being in Munich, away from Butch and Steph. Just the day before(Saturday, 10.02.10), I took a train alone from Ingolstadt to Munich because I just had to go and visit the people from France who came to Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest for the weekend. Steph and Butch were so pataps/lazy. The plan was they were gonna follow. THEY NEVER DID. F.

Still had a lot of fun though! 

First, we went around The Residenz in Odeonsplatz again so Rizza, Kim, Geno and Kyle could see the garden area. Since it was a Sunday, the museum was closed and we were left to just take pictures around the grounds. A nice old lady with her nice old husband took this picture for us. Kinda not center nga e:))

In Germany, everything's closed during Sundays except for a few restaurants. Wasn't really counting on anything interesting happening in Marienplatz but then there were these street musicians who were really really really amazing! Most entertaining band I've seen performing at the streets as of yet! The lead vocals slash violinist guy was hella funny and very talented! Cute outfit too! He was most probably headed to Oktoberfest after since Germans love wearing this while celebrating.

This is the cute percussions guy who Rizza has a crush on and the funny old lady who kept on dancing  to the songs in the weirdest way ever!

At around half past four, we headed to the U station at Theresienwiese which directly leads to the Oktoberfest grounds. We really wanted to ride a few rides and so we went on this one and died. HAHA! Good times!

Before getting on this ride, this guy Rudi(a German I met at Oktoberfest during my birthday) texted and invited me to have 'the best gelato in Munich' but I didn't want to cause I didn't want to leave Oktoberfest and so I didn't reply:)) Screw gelato.

We tried out Pschorr Braurosl fest hall this time and while waiting for seats or a table this guy started being all drunk and shiz.

We all got so stressed but then we were lucky to have this nice German guy, Marcus help us out. I swear you can count on the Germans to be nice and friendly and helpful.

We also met this Canadian guy who I forgot the name of:)) He bought us food, a hat(25E, not cheap!) and stuff. Super nice!

We stayed at the fest hall til around 11 or 11.30 when the security made us leave already. I was going along with all the traditional chants they have at the festival even though I didn't at all know what I was saying:)) After 3 masses or more of beer(a mass is 1 liter), I couldn't really care less!

We wanted to go on the 5-loop roller coaster after with Marcus and his friends also but somewhere along the way, I lost my friends. So I ended up going on this slide thingy that according to Nick(Marcus' friend) is one of the more traditional, 'old school' rides. After that we went out to a bar for an after party. My funnest night ever! Got to dance like crazy like how I usually do back in the Philippines and I was standing on this table. I think the crowd was a tad bit outraged. But hey! Everyone who celebrates Oktoberfest is kagulo(haha) anyways. I shouldn't be an exception, right? 

I was walked home by the five boys at around 2 am. Apparently, they all still had work the next day and some of them had to take the train back to Berlin where they live. And I had to go home with them cause 1. they're nice and 2. it was either them or some random Italians who people say are kinda gago. HAHA! 

Epic night. Epic Week.

Tschuss!--> Bye/Cheers

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