Saturday, October 16, 2010

10.12.10, Ingolstadt: Stress Day #1

This day was mostly a blur of stressful, hardly important things.

I was woken up by Steph at around 11 am or so to give me news about our application for residence permits. Among other things, we needed to give some documents that we didn't even have(issue with the dormitory contracts and insurance) and also we needed to have a ton of money deposited in our bank accounts. This was an issue since we were frantically trying to get permits asap in order to be able to travel to Amsterdam for the weekend. 

Steph and Butch then went out to withdraw money but since I was gonna have my interview the next day pa(Wed), I just went around town shortly to run some errands. I found Butch and Steph at Viktualienmarkt eating. I waited for them to finish and then we all headed to school to clear up the residence permit issue. Point is, we were really stressed about the whole ordeal. Blogging about it stresses me out all over again. HAHA!

When we got to the international office, the person in charge, Marta was in tears. We don't exactly know why, but we have a hunch that she got fired from her job. Yeah. We've had two international office liaisons leave us already. She seemed really upset about the whole thing so we just tried to not show her how stressed we were also. 

We headed home and kept to ourselves for the remainder of the day. STRESS. 

Butch and Steph came over at around midnight for midnight snack though and I of course had to cook for them. Yet again. (photos from Steph)

Butch with his potatoes

Canc at my downstairs area

Nice chill end to a very stressful day!


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